:\$ Vince Loh

Software Developer • Computer Science Student • Software Enthusiast


Next_Gen March 2023 - July 2023

This is a custom project that i have did during one of my course unit in my university. It is an Archery Scoring System, where clubs can easily set up the tournament details, define the rounds and categories, and register participating archers. During the tournament, scorers can quickly record arrow scores for each end using the system's intuitive interface. The scores are instantly calculated, and real-time leaderboards can be displayed for participants and spectators. After the tournament, the club administrators can generate detailed reports to analyze the performance of individual archers, identify top performers, and track improvements over time. The system simplifies the scoring process, reduces manual errors, and provides accurate results for a fair and enjoyable competition.

  • PlatformWinSCP
  • StackHTML, PostgreSQL, VueJS
  • FeaturesClub Recorder Management, Round Management, Category Management, Score Recording

Project Showcase

© 2024 Vince Loh