:\$ Vince Loh

Software Developer • Computer Science Student • Software Enthusiast


Decentralized Trading Platform August 2023 - Nov 2023

Throughout one of my course unit, i've successfully created a robust Decentralized Trading Platform. By harnessing the power of React.js, enhanced by the MaterialUI framework, the platform boasts a responsive and visually captivating user interface. React's dynamic capabilities, combined with MaterialUI's vast component library, ensured a streamlined and user-friendly frontend experience. The backend, powered by FastAPI, adeptly manages database connections, ensuring efficient data retrieval and storage. This seamless integration between front and back ends guarantees a fluid user journey across the platform. A cornerstone of the project's decentralization aspect is the incorporation of Solidity for smart contract development. These contracts are the driving force behind the platform's ability to facilitate peer-to-peer trading of digital assets, eliminating the need for intermediaries and championing transparency and trust.

  • PlatformAnaconda
  • StackSolidity, React, NextJS, FastAPI, Python, Web3, Truffle, SQL, MaterialUI

Project Showcase

© 2024 Vince Loh